Sunday, December 19, 2010


Sofia performed Spider Dance with the dance class with Miss Karen coaching

Summer work

I usually buy enough produce at the market to bring the wagon. After farmers market alot of us meet at this area to play.

Tomatillo salsa

I tried to grow onions for winter but this type you need to eat pretty fast. Yummy though
Bought and roasted alot of anaheim chilis

Pulling out the seeds. the chickens love them. sofia got a hot one and had to suck on a booboo bunny for some time (lots of tears) now she asks
"is that a hot one'?

Canned tomatos

Sofia herding Lolo, Lulu and Silke
260 $ for the grass fed beef we bought, poor cow

Zuchini for our muffins

Bell peppers were cheap at Farmers so we froze some for winter. Sofia gets right in there to help

Our dried tomatos

Nancy and Rob gave us their apples and we made apple sauce

Bette Goldfarb gave up a food dehydrator and I bought 20 # of tomato to dry.

We ended up with 4 mason jars and it took about 24 hours. This year Heather Brent gave me some seeds- Principe tomato -for drying. Last summer was a bad year for growing tomatos here in Los Osos because it was so foggy.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Labor day in Laguna Beach

Jim and Todd

Ariel, Kara and Jim

The Girls

Perfect weather

We have fun in Laguna -at the beach, going to Zinc, the main beach playground, walking up Park Ave.

Eva's house Mendocino August 2010

In august this year we met Ellen, Dad and the cousins up in Mendocino. I miss it up there. The apples were ready to be picked, a few baby llamas were born, we soaked at Sweet water and visited Doria in Fort Bragg.
Looking like a little amish girl

Logging day

Goblin child at doria's

First time on Ariel
Goats next door
Fun with Dadda
Huckleberry Harvest

Deep discussions at Carla's

Summer party at Carla's Grandpa CJ and Linda

Big river beach with Gwendolyn

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Catching worms with Poppy, making Bread

Checking our catch to feed to the chickens

Finding a pliable kitty

Poppy and Sofia

Our Ristra and afternoon light

Sourdo bread

Second rise in the proof baskets

All done!
Going in the oven